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Free Your Mind

Music has the power to transport us to other places, inspire us to dream big and expand our minds. The right frequency or “tonal architecture” can help free our minds from limiting beliefs and blockages so that we can open up to a world of possibilities.  By experiencing different frequencies and sound

Frequencies and music have been shown to be beneficial for mental wellbeing. Music has the ability to elicit powerful emotions in listeners, from joy and relaxation to sadness and anger. By listening to different types of music, people can tap into their own emotional states and find ways to release or manage their feelings. 

Opening one’s third eye is beneficial for mental health as it helps to clear out blocks or resistance that prevent us from Seeing the World in its True Beautiful Form and Guides you in making intuitive decisions.

MÚSICA XAMÂNICA | Batidas Curativas para Paz Interior e Conexão Espiritual

MÚSICA XAMÂNICA | Batidas Curativas para Paz Interior e Conexão Espiritual

Ao ouvir a Música Viagem Xamânica mergulhe em uma experiência sensorial única, onde as notas suaves e reconfortantes guiam sua mente para um estado de relaxamento profundo. Cada melodia é uma viagem interior, um convite para explorar os recantos mais íntimos da sua própria alma. A riqueza sonora da flauta nativa evoca paisagens naturais exuberantes, convidando o ouvinte a uma jornada de paz e harmonia. Seu uso transcende o mero entretenimento, sendo uma ferramenta essencial em terapias holísticas e práticas de cura, como a musicoterapia e meditação guiada, para facilitar a conexão espiritual e a cura emocional. Ao imergir nesse universo musical, é possível estimular a criatividade e a imaginação, enquanto se desfruta de um momento de tranquilidade e introspecção. Permita que as notas da flauta nativa guiem seus pensamentos para longe das preocupações do dia a dia, promovendo um sono de qualidade e o relaxamento profundo da mente e do corpo. Deixe-se envolver pela magia da música xamânica da flauta nativa e embarque em uma viagem de autoconhecimento e renovação interior. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🚨 *𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗔-𝗦𝗘 𝗡𝗢 𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗟* 🚨 👉 / @_conexaoterra 👈 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Olá!! Seja bem vindo ao Conexão Terra!* 🌳🌎💚✨ O propósito do canal é ajudar as pessoas a encontrarem um ambiente sonoro tranquilo e calmante, que as ajude a aliviar o estresse, reduzir a ansiedade, melhorar a concentração e se aproximarem da Natureza através dos vídeos. A música e os sons podem ajudar a induzir estados mentais de relaxamento profundo, permitindo que a pessoa se conecte consigo mesma e com o momento presente. 🌟 *Comentários que Brilham* : Deixe sua luz! Compartilhe ideias e opiniões, construindo juntos nossa comunidade. 🌎 *Junte-se à Família* : Queremos te conhecer! Inscreva-se para fazer parte da comunidade, motivando-nos a criar mais conteúdos especiais para você. 🔔 *Ative as Notificações!* : Se já se inscreveu, agradecemos muito. Certifique-se de ativar o sininho para receber nossas atualizações e novos vídeos em primeira mão. É fácil, basta clicar no sininho após a inscrição. 🍀 *Espalhe o Amor com Likes* : Se você gostou do nosso conteúdo, deixe seu like! Ajude-nos a espalhar positividade, deixando seu feedback com um simples clique. Cada like é um abraço virtual! Clique em "Gostei" e deixe seu feedback positivo para nos ajudar a alcançar mais pessoas. 🕉️ *Vídeos para Todos os Momentos* : Queremos enfatizar que nossos vídeos vão além da meditação, eles se adaptam a variadas situações e propósitos. Alguns são perfeitos para estudo, concentração, relaxamento, uma noite de sono tranquila, e até mesmo para aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade. 🌿 *Aviso com Carinho* : É importante lembrar que essas frequências sonoras não substituem tratamentos médicos ou terapias profissionais, mas podem ser um complemento para ajudar em seu bem-estar geral, queremos que nossos vídeos possam ser uma ferramenta para ajudá-lo a alcançar a paz interior, a relaxar e a encontrar equilíbrio em sua vida cotidiana. ================================================= VÍDEOS DE APOIO LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= IMAGEM THUMBNAIL: Criada com IA + Canva Pro ================================================= MÚSICA LICENCIADA PARA O CANAL ! © Envato License © Conexão Terra. Sua reutilização é expressamente proibida. =================================================
Unleash Your Genuine Masculine Nature - Testosterone & Libido Frequency | Male Charisma & Seduction

Unleash Your Genuine Masculine Nature - Testosterone & Libido Frequency | Male Charisma & Seduction

The dark sounds of the male charisma meditation resonate with your chthonic tribal core and break the chains of the social incarceration. The mystery sexuality music of elders arouses and liberates your pure masculine nature. Raise your head and be proud to be a man. The sacred masculinity meditation fills your body and spirit with unstoppable wild sexual potency and confidence of your far forefathers, who didn't know the social anxiety, overthinking, evaluative self-perception and other artificial blockages that the modern society imposes on us in order to keep us obedient and to repress our sacred sexuality. The frequency of the dark masculine vibrations resonates with your mains sexual centers - the root chakra and the sacral chakra. The sounds of the masculine vibe massage these critical sexual energy concentration point resulting in an uncontrollable release of your primal masculine self. No more sexual repressions. No more struggling to find a sexual partner - the most desired women will be yours once you re-connect with your savage masculine core. The meditation for the divine masculine freedom turns you into a charismatic male seducer, who is capable of taking any woman from a party right into your bed. The dark masculinity frequency facilitates the testosterone boost, which in turns raises your self-esteem and build up the rock-solid self-confidence - in both the social and the sexual domains. Talk to anyone with ease and allure women with your liberated divine masculinity - a property so rare nowadays that most women fall for it in no time. Unleash you primal male potency and pleasure any woman you make love to. The ancient masculinity magic blesses you with the ability to gratify any woman with mind blowing full body shaking tantric orgasms. Love and be loved! You are born free, so live free and take everything you want from this wonderful life! Composition number: 23053
Ancestral Karma Clearing | Release Negative Buildup Inherited From Dna Family Bloodline

Ancestral Karma Clearing | Release Negative Buildup Inherited From Dna Family Bloodline

#ancestralkarma #releasenegative #energyclearing Updated Ancestral Karma Healing: JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: -Access to extra content, free downloads, mobile friendly mixed healing sessions, healing asmr ambiences, sacred geometry / sigil downloads plus much more... Our ancestors have a very powerful effect upon us on an energy level. There can be a lot of positive and negative, that flows our way from our DNA bloodline. Ancestral healing is the method to deal with all ancestral issues that has been passed on to us from our parent, grandparents and beyond in our family tree. If you suspect that you have inherited ancestral karma or a generational curse, even if you have had many healings, and always seem to be held back in life or feel weighed down by negative energy. The clearing of ancestral karma is very valuable for your soul and also protects your children or future children from the ancestors karma. Once the clearing of negative ancestral karma is completed, people report much more clarity and positive "connections" with ancestors. Its not that the family is evil, its because parents have inherited some baggage from their parents and their parents inherited it from their parents and so on. You also have the here and now of what we accumulate in your own life times that you can hold on too. It is time in the here and now your longline ancestors are asking you to end it here with your own bloodline to make way for profound growth and transformation, you are being called to clear, heal and release anything that may be holding you back from accessing expanded states of consciousness. It is believed that many light workers, starseeds and spiritual healers have many things thrown their way and have to deal with excessive amounts of negative karma. Most of this is inherited in your dna and you as starseeds are ultimately here to end that karma, to rid the bloodline of the negative buildup from generations. If you succeed you will then be able to live from a clean slate in harmony and at one with the universe. 20 Minute sound healing session to: ✧ Clear Negativity ✧ Harmonise Relationships ✧ Complete flush of All Chakra's ✧ Remove Buildup from DNA Bloodline DOWNLOADS : GUIDELINES Please wear stereo headphones with a good wide range of frequencies ( earphones will not be suffice ). Please listen on a low to medium volume. It is recommended to use this sound healing session for 1-2 times for the first week and then whenever you feel the pull towards it there after. Headphones V Earphones BLOG More Info: HEADPHONES My Choice of Headphones for Sound Healing Listening: Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Headphones *affiliate link _____________________________________ —————————————————— We are also ASMR nerds. Check our Asmr channels Auriela ASMR: Nocturnal Nook: ————————————————————- Don’t want the ads ? We have several options for you that are AD free: Download singles and albums from our website: Go premium on YouTube: Sign up to our memberships on YouTube: ————————————————————- Find more information in our Blog: Terms of Use // // © Copyright 2020 Music and Video: Mystical Moon Records
432 Hz Temple Bell Meditation – 30 minutes no talking

432 Hz Temple Bell Meditation – 30 minutes no talking

432 Hz Temple Bell 30 minutes meditation which was made after a number of requests to lengthen our original 432 Hz Temple Bell meditation - link here Our aim is to keep the meditation simple and achievable and allow you to experience the sound in your own way; simple guidelines for the meditation are set out below. We welcome feedback or just tick 'like' if you've enjoyed the track Please subscribe and click on the bell if you'd like to stay in touch and be notified when we post a new recording Please help to support us and our work by making a donation, any amout will be much appreciated click on the link 432 Hz Temple Bell Meditation – 30 minutes no talking Simple guidance for listening to this Temple Bell meditation Sit in a comfortable position for you, allow your shoulders to drop and rest your hands in your lap or on your knees., keeping your body relaxed with your back straight perhaps leaning a little away from the back of your chair Take a few deep breaths allowing your out-breath to be longer than your in breath, feel the rise and fall of your body as you breathe in and out. Return to your body breathing naturally, feel the rhythm of your body, the familiar movement of breathing Now place your attention on the sound of the bell, fully focus on the sound, following each strike Notice the quality of the sound, how the sound pulses gently before it disappears Notice if the sound affects any part of your body more than another As you listen to the bell notice your mind calming and your body relaxing When your mind wanders as it will do, bring your attention back to your breath for a moment or two, notice the familiar rise and fall of your body then focus again on the sound Notice how your body feels at the end of this sound meditation Notice if there have been particular thoughts that you have Give yourself a couple of minutes to simply sit before beginning gentle movements, perhaps gently rubbing your hands together, flexing your toes and circling your ankles Finally place your hands together over your heart area and acknowledge this time you've given yourself to relax and refresh Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Best wishes - Pam and Jurek Copyright ⓒ 2020 Sound and Silence Resonant Healing. All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
Subconscious POWER Unlocks at 4 Mins ❯❯❯ 432 Hz • Binaural Beats

Subconscious POWER Unlocks at 4 Mins ❯❯❯ 432 Hz • Binaural Beats

Click here to Subscribe ➤ 💙 How to Support Us 💙 Become a Member: Become a Patron: Donate with PayPal: To buy any of our Music (Patrons or Members get discounts / FREE tracks per month depending on level) simply visit: 💛 How to Follow Us 💛 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ➤ This music contains ultra potent 432 hertz binaural beats that generate deep penetrative healing. This track has been created using our Quantum Miracle Formula Frequency. This makes this audio very powerful and extremely effective in aiding relaxation and healing, the secret is the blend of these hertz when combined with our stunning harmonious soundtrack which lends itself beautifully to execute the perfect conscious to subconscious blending soundtrack. Listen to this track as much or as little as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a settled position. We always recommend using headphones for optimal results, however this isn't always essential. #432hz #subconscious #illuminate Please note: ALWAYS consult your GP first before trying to cure any medical problems (including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, phobias or any other cognitive - or physically related illnesses) with an alternative. ~ Peace & Love ~ © ‖ ℗ Meditational State
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