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Get Tuned Up

Exersise Mind

 Tuning the Mind Through Music Frequencies:
"Welcome to the 'Tuning the Mind Through Music Frequencies' section, where we delve into the transformative power of sound. Here, we explore the fascinating world of music frequencies and their profound impact on our mental well-being. Discover how specific frequencies can harmonize your mind,
reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote relaxation. We'll guide you through the science behind music therapy, share soothing soundscapes, and offer insights into how you can use music as a tool for meditation and mindfulness. Join us on a journey of sonic exploration and learn how to tune your mind to the frequencies that bring balance, clarity, and serenity to your life."

Exersise Body

"In our 'Exercise Videos' section, we offer a treasure trove of fitness resources to help you get in shape, stay active, and feel your best. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or a seasoned pro seeking new challenges, our collection of exercise videos has something for everyone. From high-intensity workouts that'll get your heart racing to calming yoga sessions that nurture body and soul. Join us as we inspire you to move your body and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle."

Subconscious POWER Unlocks at 4 Mins ❯❯❯ 432 Hz • Binaural Beats
Meditational State • Healing Music

Subconscious POWER Unlocks at 4 Mins ❯❯❯ 432 Hz • Binaural Beats

Click here to Subscribe ➤ 💙 How to Support Us 💙 Become a Member: Become a Patron: Donate with PayPal: To buy any of our Music (Patrons or Members get discounts / FREE tracks per month depending on level) simply visit: 💛 How to Follow Us 💛 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ➤ This music contains ultra potent 432 hertz binaural beats that generate deep penetrative healing. This track has been created using our Quantum Miracle Formula Frequency. This makes this audio very powerful and extremely effective in aiding relaxation and healing, the secret is the blend of these hertz when combined with our stunning harmonious soundtrack which lends itself beautifully to execute the perfect conscious to subconscious blending soundtrack. Listen to this track as much or as little as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a settled position. We always recommend using headphones for optimal results, however this isn't always essential. #432hz #subconscious #illuminate Please note: ALWAYS consult your GP first before trying to cure any medical problems (including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, phobias or any other cognitive - or physically related illnesses) with an alternative. ~ Peace & Love ~ © ‖ ℗ Meditational State
Morning Yoga practice in real 8k

Morning Yoga practice in real 8k

Welcome to the invigorating world of "Morning Yoga." This transformative practice offers a rejuvenating start to your day, awakening your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for the adventures that lie ahead. As the sun begins to rise, the world is just awakening, and you'll feel a sense of calm and serenity in the air. Morning yoga is a practice of embracing the stillness and embracing the new day with gratitude and intention. The practice begins with gentle stretches and mindful breathwork, allowing you to connect with the present moment and set your intentions for the day ahead. Each movement is guided with care, inviting you to move at your own pace and honor the needs of your body. As you flow through the morning yoga sequence, you'll feel the tension melt away, and a renewed sense of energy and vitality fills your being. The practice awakens your muscles and joints, preparing your body for the challenges and joys that the day may bring. Throughout the session, the soothing voice of the instructor and the serene background music create a nurturing and calming atmosphere, fostering a sense of tranquility and presence. The morning sun adds a touch of magic to your practice, filling the space with warmth and light. Morning yoga is not just a physical practice; it is an opportunity to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace. As you synchronize your breath with your movements, you'll feel a deep sense of connection with your body and the present moment. By the end of the practice, you'll experience a sense of clarity and readiness for the day ahead. Morning yoga sets the tone for a productive, balanced, and harmonious day, allowing you to move through life with grace and presence. Join us for "Morning Yoga" and embrace the gift of a new day. Immerse yourself in this transformative practice and let the soothing rhythm of your breath guide you through an invigorating journey of self-discovery and renewal.
Всего 8 минут и ты Забудешь о БЕДНОСТИ | Убирает Блок НИЩЕТЫ | Сила Анха
Сила Анха

Всего 8 минут и ты Забудешь о БЕДНОСТИ | Убирает Блок НИЩЕТЫ | Сила Анха

Если в вашей жизни вас постоянно сопровождает безденежье, деньги утекают куда-то или не приходят вовсе, а неудачи следуют одна за другой, задумайтесь – возможно, на вас наложен блок нищеты! Говорили ли вы когда-нибудь, что ненавидите деньги, что все проблемы от них, испытывали ли раздражение или ненависть по отношению к богатым людям? Если да, то этим вы оттолкнули от себя энергию денег. Но не отчаивайтесь, её можно привлечь! Денежная мандала, бинауральные ритмы, и космоэнергетическая музыка - настроят ваше подсознание на привлечение денежной энергии в вашу жизнь из разных источников и снимут блок нищеты. Вы настроитесь на волну денежного потока и таким образом будете привлекать неожиданные приятные события. Уже после первого полного прослушивания видеосеанс уберёт с вас блок нищеты! А, для того чтобы стать магнитом для денег и открыть в себе поток изобилия данную видеопрограмму рекомендуется прослушивать полностью на протяжении 8 дней по 3 раза в день! Если вы хотите получить от судьбы определённую сумму денег, проговорите её 8 раз во время прослушивания. Забудьте о Бедности! В видео использованы: денежная мандала, бинауральные ритмы, космоэнергетическая музыка, вибрации материи тонкого мира! 🎧 Рекомендуется использовать наушники. Амулеты и талисманы можно приобрести здесь: Второй Канал:ГолосАнха Новый Канал: Группа в Вконтакте: Группа в Одноклассниках: © 2019-2023, Сила Анха. Использование видеоряда без разрешения автора запрещено! The song "Escape" By Onycs is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 Original version:
The PURE 369hz Isochronic Tone - Manifest Abundance From The Universe!
The Power Of You

The PURE 369hz Isochronic Tone - Manifest Abundance From The Universe!

Manifest The Key To The Universe, Nikola Tesla Frequency. You should use earphones to benefit from this! SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL No YouTube mid-roll ads are programmed for your meditation convenience so Thank You for Supporting this channel: This isochronic tone was produced in a professional recording studio. It was designed to help those who want to meditate, create personal inductions and connect with the superpower of their imagination ! SUGGESTION OF HOW TO USE THIS: In a quiet environment lay back in a comfortable position and let your brain get in sync with The 369 hz Wave Pattern. Make sure not to put it too loud. Earbuds are the best for this purpose because it mutes most of the sounds from the environment. Then you need to induce the sub-conscience mind, existing within you and in other dimensions than the flesh. The Power Of You !! Begin by clearing negative thoughts before you enter the state of strong power that will eventually kick in. Don't stress over it by letting all go. Ask for the power of inner PEACE...... For help try to understand this: Know what you want by asking the power of THEE to tell you how you feel. Because Feeling is the only Compass. It's where you are heading. Imagine what you want in your reality with the feeling of accomplishment and gratitude. Like already done! That is how we induce the subconscious. Then, Observe later on in your Reality ...... You'll be Amazed !! Listen to this on a daily basis with earphones on your devices to benefit from it. At a low and comfortable volume! Thanks for watching and Subscribe !
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